Today turned out to be such a beautiful day, and I am not talking about the weather! It simply was because I claimed it to be so. At times I wake up and despise how I think the day will turn out. My mind instantly thinks of the task I do not feel like doing. "I do not feel like waking up and getting Queen ready for school", "I HATE working out.", "Why do the dishes keep appearing in the sink?". I found myself complaining about everything! On top of the complaints, I have my worries. I worry about the bills, transportation, family, and the list could go on! In my opinion this not how a powerful woman thinks. This is not how a true Domina thinks. How can I be a Domina if I do not have control of my feelings?
Normally I do not complain or worry out loud. I truly do not want to bring anyone down or bother them with my problems. But that does not mean they do not exist. Does that make me any better than the person who does complain out loud? NO! I use to think it did, but the truth is we are both still complaining instead of finding the positive in the situation or finding a solution to fix the problem.
Over the last couple of weeks I have been on a mission to change how I FEEL about the things I usually complain about. I would not have been able to get through today's workout without a positive attitude. But all I really know so far is to FEEL happy and think positive. I know it sounds hard; who can be positive 100% of the time? I personally do not know anyone who can, but I have met some wonderful people who have come close. My husband is one those people.
My husband, La Velle La Rue, has been through more strife than anyone I know...(well almost anyone). Here is a quick run down: He is an Army Veteran, he use to weight 300 pounds, suffered from PTSD and severe depression, he has seen the deaths of many Army comrades and close family, has been shot during his tour in Iraq, and at one time was considered pre-diabetic....and that is just the stuff I am comfortable mentioning.
My point is, if my husband can change for the better (inside and out) than I know I can. He has read many books to help him with his journey. They have been sitting on my dresser saying "You know you should read us. The answer is here; just open us and read.". So I am making an attempt to read one chapter each night before bed. I recently purchased a book that I found appealing. Yeah, so I like the cover..."What cha gotta a problem with that?!" lol....(I'll read those other books later). Any how, here is the book I am currently reading
So far I have only read chapter one, and I really find it intriguing. At my husband's suggestion, I will give away this book once I have completed reading it. Simply because I know there is someone out there who needs it more than lil ole me. Yes, it will be used, but let's think positive...IT'S A FREE BOOK! lol...
Here are some books my husband has read to help him with his mental transformation:
Heread all of these books. These are all pretty short reads, but if you are interested in the message of all three then he suggest reading this book instead...
It is going to take some practice, but positive thinking here I come!!
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